Sunday, January 28, 2018

Diabetes mellitus causes kidney failure

Diabetes mellitus, in general, known as diabetes, is a disease in which human body does not make adequate insulin or cannot use normal amounts of insulin correctly. Insulin is a hormone that controls the amount of blood sugar in your blood. A high blood sugar level can generate problems in many parts of your body.

Diabetes mellitus causes and symptoms

Are there various types of diabetes?

Yes, the most basic ones are Type 1 and Type 2. In Type 1 diabetes, it usually occurs in children. It is also called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile onset diabetes mellitus. In this type, the pancreas does not make sufficient insulin and you have to inject insulin from outside for the rest of your life.

Type 2 diabetes is more transpires, commonly occurs in individuals over 40 and is called adult onset diabetes. It is also called noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In this type, the pancreas makes insulin, but your body does not manage it properly. The high blood glucose level often can be controlled by a good diet and/or taking proper medication, although some patients must need to take insulin.

diabetes cause kidney pain

What does diabetes do to the kidneys?

If you are suffering from diabetes, the small blood vessels in your body get injured. When these blood vessels are in the kidneys and get injured, your kidneys cannot cleanse your blood suitably. Your body will hold more water and salt than it should be, which can cause weight gain and ankle swelling. You may release protein in your urine. Also, waste materials will get stuck in your blood.

Can diabetes cause kidney pain?

Diabetes also may cause harm to nerves in your body. This can cause the problem in emptying your bladder. The pressure following from your full bladder can back up and damage the kidneys and cause kidney pain.

Does diabetes cause kidney stones?

If urine remains in for a long time inside your bladder, it can develop an infection from the active growth of bacteria in urine that has a high glucose level. Also due to obstructed blood vessels, diabetes can cause kidney stones.

How many diabetic patients will develop the kidney disease?

About 35 % of patients undergoing with Type 1 (juvenile onset) diabetes and up to 40 percent of individuals suffering from Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes ultimately will suffer from kidney failure.

What are the early symptoms of kidney disease in individuals suffering from diabetes?

The very first symptom of diabetic kidney disease is an increased secretion of albumin in the urine. Other than that ankle swelling and weight gain may occur. You will use the toilet more at night than any other time. Your blood pressure gets too high very often. As a person suffering from diabetes, you should have your urine, blood and blood pressure checked at least once a month. This will help you to take better control of your disease and early medication of high blood pressure and kidney disease. Keeping control of your diabetes can lower your risk of catching critical kidney disease. Also keep you body active.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Diabetes causes high blood pressure

Diabetes, often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus, depicts a group of metabolic diseases in which the individual has high blood glucose, either because insulin secretion is inadequate, or maybe the body's cells do not react properly to insulin or both. Individuals suffering from with high blood sugar will typically encounter polyuria (frequent urination), they will become more thirsty (polydipsia) and hungry (polyphagia).

Most individuals with diabetes will eventually have high blood pressure, along with some other heart and circulation predicaments.

Diabetes weakens arteries and makes them objectives for hardening, called atherosclerosis. That shows diabetes causes high blood pressure, which if not treated on time, can lead to trouble incorporating blood vessel damage, kidney failure, and heart attack.

Diabetes causes high blood pressure

What Can You Do?

There are many things you do for your diabetes which will also help you with high blood pressure:
·         First thing first you need to take control of your blood sugar.

·         Smoking will lead you towards stress and then to diabetes and ultimately high blood pressure.
·         Eating healthy is an option to keep your insulin level and blood pressure in control.

·         Keep active and exercise most days.

·         Keep your weight in a healthy range you can do this by eating healthy and by exercising most of the days0.

·       Salt with high sodium is not good individuals suffering from high blood pressure, limit how much salt you eat.

diabetes caused by sugar

·         Regular doctors visit is important to know what's going on inside you.

There is some common question hovering over the head of most of the individuals like: can diabetes cause by sugar only? Can stress cause diabetes? Or is it true that diabetes causes bad breath? All the answer to your questions is written bellow.

As we know that type 2 diabetes is associated with high levels of sugar in the blood, it may seem sensible to consider diabetes caused by sugar. But of course, it’s not that simple. Though studies do show that sweetened foods raise the risk of having type 2 diabetes, but sugar alone isn’t significantly enough to cause diabetes on its own. Being overweight Obesity, and a family history of diabetes are other major reasons for the disease. People who exercise lees than two times a week, and females who've been diagnosed with gestational diabetes or diabetes that occurs while a lady is pregnant, also have a heightened chance of a type 2 diabetes diagnoses.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Diabetes causes effects and symptoms

Diabetes is a disease that impairs your body’s capability to produce or use insulin.

Insulin is a hormone. When a human body turns the food you eat into energy (also called sugar or glucose), insulin is secreted to help carry this energy to the cells. If your body starts to produce little or no insulin, or are insulin resistant, too much sugar resides in your blood. Blood glucose levels get higher than normal for people with diabetes. 

Type 1 &Type 2 diabetes

There are two mainly two types of diabetes referred as Type 1 and Type 2.

Type 1 diabetes causes when the immune system, the body’s system for attacking infection, attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Doctors think type 1 diabetes is caused mainly by the genes and environmental factors, such as viruses, that might rise the disease.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and caused by several factors, including genes and lifestyle factors.

Overweight, obesity and physical inactivity, Insulin resistance, Growing age are the main factors that cause type 2 diabetes.

Effects of diabetes on a human body Fatigue

Diabetes causes fatigue

Diabetes causes fatigue and it is one of the most frequent disabling diabetes effects. Diabetes fatigue can disturb and interfere with all phases of daily life.  High blood sugar in the body makes blood sticky, so it can’t get through the thin capillaries as easily to carry oxygen to cells. And make you feel fatigue. Other than that insulin resistance is also cause fatigue as it keeps glucose out of body cells, so they don’t have energy.

·         Sleep better
·         keep your body hydrated (drink more water)
·         Try to keep your mind away from stress

Foot pain

For individuals with diabetes, having too much glucose (sugar) in their blood for a quite long time can give rise to some serious complications like foot problems. Diabetes causes foot pain and uncontrolled diabetes can harm your nerves. If you have injured nerves in your legs and feet, you might not feel cold, heat, or pain. Diabetes also alters the flow of blood. Poor blood flow in the armsand legs in the medical term known as peripheral vascular disease and if your body lack good blood flow, it takes more than normal for a sore or cut to heal.


Check your feet daily - You may have foot problems, but there is no pain in your feet. Checking your feet every day will help you recognize problems early before they get serious. Wash your feet daily - Washing your feet with soap in warm, not hot, water to prevent any kind of infection as diabetes causes fungal infection. Smooth corns and calluses gently - Thick patches of skin called calluses or corns can grow on the feet. If you have corns or calluses, talk to your foot doctor and ask for the best way to care for these foot problems. Because if you have nerve damage, these patches can grow into ulcers as diabetes causes foot ulcers.

Always trim your toenails straight across - Trim your toenails, when necessary. Using toenail clippers, trim your toenails only straight. Do not cut into the corners because you may cut yourself and took more than hormal to heal back.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Diabetes causes cure and prevention

Diabetes is a disease in which human body is not able to break and mix the glucose in the blood. Type 1 diabetes by the loss of Beta islet cells in the pancreas which releases insulin. Individuals with Type 1 diabetes need to be on insulin at all times. Type 2 diabetes is caused by the impairment of insulin receptors on cell facades which causes the cells to be immune to insulin. Type 2 diabetes can be easily managed with medication and lifestyle changes.

Type 2 diabetes

Cure and prevention of diabetes can best be achieved by controlling a few factors. Many drug corporations are investing billions into discovering a cure for this disease but in the meantime, there are factors that each person has under their own control to cure or prevent this persistent disease. 

Prevention: Maintaining a right blood sugar is at the center of any diabetes treatment plan. High blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, is a primary concern and can affect individuals with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

In diabetes what causes high blood sugar
  •          Forget or skip your insulin or oral medicine
  •     Eat too many grams of carbs for the amount of insulin you took, or eat too many carbs in common
  •          Infection
  •          Illness
  •          Stress
  •          Become lazy or exercise less than normal

In diabetes what causes low blood sugar

Consider insulin as the key that opens your cells, letting glucose in for the purpose of energy. Individuals with diabetes use a variety of medications to help their bodies use the glucose in their blood. Oral medications that increase insulin production and insulin injections are often used method to control the blood sugar level. Taking too much of oral medicine can cause the low blood sugar level in individuals who are suffering from diabetes.

Prevention: Living a healthy life by eating healthy and exercising most of the days. Also,take the medicines only in a prescribed order.

Can diabetes cause you to lose weight?

Even though you are eating like crazy when your blood glucose is chronically high in diabetes but chances are that you will still lose weight, and there are two reasons for this: 

First, the lack of fluids from redundant urination can lead to a low level of body fluids, which can make you lose weight. This is what normally accounts for very prompt weight loss with new-onset diabetes.

Second, if insulin levels are too low for glucose metabolism, your body will start to burning fat to keep cellular metabolism, and as the result burning fat can lead to weight loss.

Prevention: By staying active and doing exercise regularly can help you to maintain the insulin levels and can help you in maintaining weight.

can diabetes cause you to gain weight

Can diabetes cause you to gain weight?

Eating much is not enough, for diabetes patients gaining weight is a big concern as eating is not enough. Due to low insulin levels and lack of fluids Gaining weight is hard.

Prevention: By staying active and doing exercise regularly can help you to maintain the insulin levels and can help you in gaining weight.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

What is the main cause of diabetes?

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is usually referred to as a disease of blood sugar. There are various causes of diabetes. And we know there is some type of diabetes too. This disease is primarily a result of damage to the pancreas for releasing insulin. While insulin duty changes blood sugar into energy. So if there is impairment to the pancreas then the outcome would be an excess of blood sugar levels. So, in general, it can be assumed that diabetes is the consequence of the body's failure to generate insulin.

Diabetes causes and types

Diabetes has various types. It is still unknown what the main cause of diabetes. Since each type of diabetes has a unique distinction:

·         Diabetic children: Due to lack of vitamin D is the cause of diabetes in children.

·         Diabetes Type I: Caused by decreased generation of insulin in the body of the Diabetic patient.

·         Type II Diabetes: Due to insulin endurance in peripheral tissues the diabetic patient's body.

In addition to the type of diabetes in common, it turns out there is diabetes that only occurs when a woman gets pregnant, but fades away after birth. Other permissible causes of this disease such as heredity, obesity, environmental factors, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, most of the fat in the body, and the wrong lifestyle. So much so we find that maximum of the elderly individuals (over forty years) suffering from diabetes. Notwithstanding the fact that people do not discern that he has diabetes. In general, they only recognized it after that the disease is more severe.

diabetes causes and risk factors

But the fact that genetics plays a significant role. So if your parents or your grandparents underwent from diabetes, then you should be more concerned with this disease. Although at this time you do not know anything about the diabetes causes and effect.

Causes of diabetes

Until now, the real cause of diabetes is unknown, but most specialists agree that there are some habits that can lead to diabetes, such as:

Age factor: Age plays a significant role in the history of diabetes. Mostly diabetes is found in those who are over forty years old. This is quite understandable as the older age necessarily changes the activity and less exercise so that the burning body fat will also decrease. But when we talk about the food there is not much different, ending up with a build-up of blood sugar in the body which in turn adds more weight on working pancreas, so pancreas will soon be damaged and will lead to an increased sugar level in the body.

the diabetes causes and effect

Poor Living Habits: Poor nutrition can also be the cause that may lead to this disease. Unbalanced nutrition, less fibre intake, low protein, high intake of refined products, and the absence of exercise can also be the cause for making you diabetic.

Inheritance: Inheritance is another diabetes causes and risk factors, if a parent or sibling has type 1 diabetes there are high chances that it'll get passed on.

Obesity: Being overweight can also increase the chance of diabetes, pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to balance with the needs.

Other than that some other causes are: high blood pressure, stress, certain medications drug overdose, infection, and more.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Would Not You Love To Know That How To Control Sugar?

We are living in the world going very fast and we do not have enough time to pamper our health. But that does not mean you should neglect important things like controlling diabetes. If you wish to get blessed with a long evity of life, you have to pay attention over your health. Yes!!! It is very important to check out your sugar level time to time. In this context, we are going to shed light over the topic that how to get relief from diabetes and much more. If you wish to know then you have to go through the whole content.

how to get relief from diabetes

Let’s learn More about How to Control Diabetes

Controlling diabetes is not a one day task. You need to keep a close on daily, weekly, month or yearly basis. Since diabetes may lead to kidney failure, blindness, heart attack stokes etc., and that’s why it is required to be careful. If you control it at the right time, you may not have to go through all these kinds of conditions. To control diabetes, there is only one way that keeps your blood sugar level as much as normal. You need to schedule a visit to your doctor to check out what blood sugar level you hold. Do exercise as much as you can do. If you do not have time to do exercise. Choose walking instead of go along with the escalator and lift. It will keep your body fit and your sugar level will be in control.

How to Get Relief from Diabetes

There Are Some Point Exploring How to Get Relief from Diabetes

Fiber is very important to bring your sugar level down. To get a wide chunk of fiber, you must eat various kinds of things like sweet potatoes, pumpkin, dried beans, and wheat break and so on. Reduce the amount of sugar you take. Taking fresh fruits and juices are very helpful and beneficial for health. Though they are sweet but they are not harmful for the body as they hold natural sweetness. Exercise is another way to maintain your sugar level. To get relief, you must do yoga which is very much helpful for the diabetes patient. Try to remain happy as much as you can. Stay away from stress and do not let your mind full with the bogus stuff. So, if you are all set to kick off a way of living life which is sugar free?

Let’s Churn Out How to Live Diabetics Free Life

These days you may find a number of people around you having diabetes.

It affects life deeply if not controlled properly. To live a sugar free life is not a very tough task, you just need to add some efforts. For instance, you need to do workout as much as you can. Pay attention over your meal you take. Keep a close eye over your sugar level to control. Not only this, but you must check time-to-time weight, foot, dental exam, cholesterol level, urine test and blood pressure. A lot of about diabetics free life has been explore below, you must check it out.

how to control diabetes

Follow These Exercises and Know How to Live Sugar Free Life

To live a sugar free life, you need to follow some kinds of rules in your life. You need to be more active and you can start it slow by taking 10-20 minutes walks 2-3 times in a day. Then increase it day-by-day. We have to understand that walking is one of the very easy exercises to stay fit and hold a sugar free life. Apart from walking, you may add yoga, meditation, push-ups etc. And it is here that how to live sugar free life without confronting too much problems.

how to control diabetes

No Need to Muddle More That How to Reduce Sugar Level

Sometimes contemplating a topic does not help you to churn out something the best. Stop thinking too much as we are going to share essential information regarding that reducing sugar level. First of all, stop taking too much stress as it lifts up the blood sugar level. You must learn the ways that how can you bring your stress down. To reduce your stress, start deep breathing. You may also go along with meditating, walking, gardening, listing music, dance etc. Apart from it, share your views and tension to someone closed to your heart. Not only this, you need to prepare a meal place after consulting your doctor or nutrition. You need to eat food having low calories, saturated fat, sugar, salt and Tran’s fat. Apart from it, you need to add food having great starch like breads, crackers, pasta, rice, grain cereals etc. And you should take bread, low fat milk, cheese, fruits and vegetable in order to control your sugar level. I hope you have come to know more about that how to reduce sugar level.